Presale Manager

PoS Module

With the Presale Manager, you can take orders for meals, drinks, etc., at the same time as making the reservation. You won’t ever have to worry about information getting lost and you won’t have the bother of having to rewrite the order for different staff sections.

It’s never been easier to keep track of orders at any given time. What’s more, changes can be made instantly. Even if the reservation is moved to another day, the order information follows the reservation automatically. Even better, only the products that you have specified as being available for sale on the day of the reservation will actually be displayed. This means you won’t ever find that unavailable products have been sold by mistake.

In addition, you’ll be able to do full and exact reporting on presales for each day/week/month – and that helps you schedule ahead operationally and make purchases. It also helps your kitchen staff prepare for upcoming events. And on the day of the reservation, everything will be ready when the customer arrives at your center.

Being prepared isn’t just for Boy Scouts. It saves valuable time and lets your staff focus on providing better customer service and upselling. Presale management doesn’t just save you from unwelcome surprises – it gives you more satisfied customers.

…it pays to be prepared